Zorro Get An Outfit by Carter Goodrich
Fashion goes to the dogs in this lovable follow-up to Say Hello to Zorro!
Mister Bud and Zorro get along just great. They wake up together, have walk time together, and take naps together. But something is about to interrupt their schedule: Zorro has to wear a fancy outfit.
Zorro is embarassed, mortified, aghast. Mr. Bud tries to cheer him up, but nothing works. Everyone makes fun of Zorro, and he refuses to participate in chew-on-a-stick time. Mister Bud doesn’t know what to do.
But when another dog—a very cool dog—shows up in an outfit and does amazing tricks and beats all the other dogs in a race, Zorro discovers that wearing clothes might not be so bad after all. Everything is back on schedule.
Place a hold on Zorro Gets An Outfit here!
Many years ago, the storytellers say, the great King Arthur brought justice to England with the help of his gallant knights of the roundtable.
While most of King Arthur’s knights freely chose a life of duty, for Sir Balin the Ill-Fated, destiny was foretold in a prophecy. And seriously, "ill-fated" is right there in his title, so Balin’s not surprised when things go sour. Still, no matter how dire the task, a loyal and gallant knight never refuses adventure!
Will Sir Balin finally discover his true destiny? And which ill-fated path will he have to choose? Join Balin on this, the noblest quest of all.
Place a hold on The Adventures of Sir Balin the Ill-Fated here!

Jake Semple and E.D. Applewhite are back, this time facing a financial meltdown E.D.'s father has called ""the end of the world "" Famously creative Randolph Applewhite hatches a plan to save the family from poverty and starvation: They will turn the sixteen acres of their family compound, Wit's End, into "Eureka ," a summer camp for creative children. The plan will demand the all-out efforts of the whole family, including Jake, who has managed to survive his first year in their home school. The whole thing "seems" like a good idea . . .
. . . until--in the midst of the ordinary chaos of temperamental artists; talented, intense, headstrong campers; a dead possum; and rampaging goats--anonymous, threatening notes begin mysteriously appearing in the Applewhites' roadside mailbox. Can E.D., Jake, and the "Eureka " campers prevent a head-on collision with disaster?
In this hilarious, masterful sequel to Stephanie S. Tolan's Newbery Honor Book, "Surviving the Applewhites," the Applewhite family returns, more outrageous than ever.
Place a hold on Applewhites at Wit's End here or start with the first book: Surviving the Applewhites here!